Gran Canaria School of Languages

Intensive Spanish courses

since 1964

Official DIE diploma

DIE, Fidescu

The Gran Canaria School of Languages is the only authorised center for the DIE (Diploma Internacional de Español) examinations in Las Palmas.

About the DIE

The DIE is recognised by the Courses of Spanish Language and Culture of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

The objective of the DIE consists of evaluating the capacity of each candidate to communicate effectively with other Spanish speakers.

The DIE is the most complete Spanish diploma that presently exists due to the multiple levels it offers:


Assessment criteria

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.

The oral and the written tests are independent. The candidate can pass both or just one of them. In the last case the candidate will only obtain the Diploma of the passed part.

Advantages of the DIE

  • People who already have a certain level of Spanish can sit the D.I.E. examination without needing to take a course first.

  • Exams are held at our school every Friday throughout the year.

  • The contents of the D.I.E. exam are flexible and varied; the student can choose the subjects of conversation that interest him most.

  • The students do not have to obtain all the levels before achieving level 10. If his knowledge of Spanish allows it he can sit the exams for the level he believes to be most appropriate to him in that moment.


Description of the written DIE examination - Parts and scores

Direct link to Fidescu's online description


A1 Beginner:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

20 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

20 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

30 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (250-word essay)

30 points


A2 Basic:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

20 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

20 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

30 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (250-word essay)

30 points


B1 Intermediate:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

15 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

25 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

30 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (250-word essay)

30 points


B2 Advanced:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

20 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

25 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

25 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (250-word essay)

30 points


C1 Superior:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

25 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

25 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

25 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (250-word essay)

25 points


C2 Master:

This test is worth a total of 100 points. In order to pass this test a minimum of 65% must be obtained. If a result of 85% or over is obtained the Diploma will contain a distinction.


Part 1: listening

30 minutes

25 points

Part 2: reading

30 minutes (20 questions)

25 points

Part 3: speaking

30 minutes (20-30 questions)

25 points

Part 4: writing

40 minutes (300-word essay + writing a formal letter)

25 points

Prices €

Prices 2022

DIE examinations

Every Friday at the school


Oral examination

Written examination


97 Eur.

76 Eur.


117 Eur.

85 Eur.


139 Eur.

89 Eur.


152 Eur.

101 Eur.


183 Eur.

103 Eur.


188 Eur.

106 Eur.

Español para fines especí­ficos:

- Español comercial

- Español para fines médicos

- Español para el turismo

214 Eur.

119 Eur.

Prices 2023

DIE examinations

Every Friday at the school


Oral examination

Written examination

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Tuition material

For the preparation of DIE exams we use specific and specialized material. We use real exam models and perform activities with real material.


The price of the course includes:

  • Initial level test

  • Tutoring and academic counseling

  • Free internet access via WiFi

  • Personalized attention and information

  • Discount on car rental

  • Discount on surfing courses

Dates of the preparation courses

The DIE preparation courses start the first Monday of every month.

Other dates are also possible. Contact our office.

Dates 2022

























Dates 2023

























Certificate of attendace

  • The Certificate of attendace is not included in the price of the course.

  • This document is only issued upon request but only to students who attend at least 85% of their classes.

  • It indicates the studied level, the objectives and contents of that level, the total number of hours studied and the course dates.

  • Our Certificate of attendace is not valid as an official document in accordance with the legislation regulating non-accredited education.

Your level

Please, take some time to do our online test before you send us your booking request. This will not only allow us to place you in your appropriate level but also to give you advise on the most convenient starting date for you.

On your first day of class you will also do an oral placement test. The result of both your written test and the oral test will determine the level you are placed in.

General terms and conditions



General terms and conditions 2022

  1. This agreement is legally binding once the school has received a student's signed enrolment form, either online or in writing, and implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions. Likewise, the agreement is legally binding if the registration is made by telephone, once the data of the reservation have been taken and the payment (deposit or total payment) has been received.

  2. This contract is publicly available at

  3. The total amount of the course (and accommodation) will be calculated according to the valid price list included this agreement. This amount must be paid in advance. The student will then receive the confirmation of his/her reservation request and an invoice. If payment of the total amount is not made within two weeks from the date of sending the reservation request, it will be deemed cancelled. Payments can be made in cash, by credit card or by bank transfer with no costs for the beneficiary.

  4. A paid course/accommodation or part of it is not transferable to another person.

  5. Minimum age to participate in a group course: 16 years. Minimum age to occupy a room in our accommodation: 18 years or younger accompanied by a responsible adult.

  6. The school offers Spanish courses as non-accredited education all year round. Course20 (Standard course) is offered from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00. Classes affected by bank holidays will be made up within the same week. Classes missed by the student are not made up or refunded.

  7. The maximum number of participants per group is 12.

  8. From A1 to B1, a complete level lasts between 4 and 5 weeks. Levels B2 and C1 consist of two blocks of 4 to 5 weeks each. Level C1 is given in group courses only from October to the end of March, but it is available in private or semiprivate lessons all year round.

  9. A class session lasts 50 minutes. Classes are taught in Spanish.

  10. STUDENT PLACEMENT: The distribution of the students in the different levels is the responsibility of the school and is based on strictly academic criteria. After the initial level test, interview and language needs of the student, the decision will be made to place him/her in the most appropriate level.

  11. CHANGES OF LEVEL: A student may request a change of level, but the change will be possible only with the approval of his/her teacher and the academic coordinator. In case the teacher and the academic coordinator consider that the student's language proficiency is not sufficient to step up to the next level, he/she will be required a level entrance to test his/her production and comprehension skills.

  12. Starting dates for beginners in the group course: the 1st Monday of the month throughout the year.

  13. Smoking or making fire is not allowed in the school or in the accommodation. Animals are not allowed.

  14. Rooms are given clean and re-cleaned on the 8th or 9th day. However, the cleaning of the kitchen in the studio flats is not included in the price. Bed linen and towels are included and changed with every cleaning of the room. Customers can ask for an extra cleaning with change of bed linen and towels against payment. We do the laundry (not ironing) of non-delicate clothes against payment. No cooking is allowed in rooms without a kitchen.

  15. The price of the course includes: • Initial level test • Tutoring and academic counselling • Free internet access via WiFi • Personalized attention and information • Discount on car rental • Discount on surf courses • Access to the school library and book loan.

  16. The price of the course does not include tuition material and certifications.

  17. Students may book an accommodation in the company of someone who does not attend a course.

  18. Accommodation payment is made for full weeks starting on Saturday / Sunday at 2 p.m. Rooms must be vacated on Saturday / Sunday before 10:00 h.

  19. CANCELLATIONS or CHANGE OF DATES: For cancellations or change of dates received 20 days before the start of the course, the school refunds the amount paid for classes and accommodation less 10%. If the cancellation or change of date is received later, the school refunds the amount paid less 20%. No cancellations or change of dates will be admitted if submitted after 4:00 pm (GMT or CET-1) of our last working day prior to the starting date of the course or arrival at the accommodation.

    Cancellations or change of dates will also not be accepted and there will be no refund after occupancy of the room or after the start of the course.

    Private lessons will only be rescheduled with 24 hours’ notice, otherwise they will not be made up or refunded. Teachers’ waiting time is 20 minutes; after that, all classes scheduled for that day will not be made up or refunded.

    For long stays in our accommodation, the student can make cancellations or change of dates for the following month and claim a refund as long as he/she gives notice until the 15th day of the month prior to that change or cancellation. Of all the amounts that are returned, 20% will be deducted for administrative expenses.

  20. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE: The Certificate of attendance is not included in the price of the course. This document is only issued upon request but only to students who attend at least 85% of their classes. It indicates the studied level, the objectives and contents of that level, the total number of hours studied and the course dates. Our certificate is not an official document, according to the legislation that regulates non-accredited education.

  21. PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND IMAGE RIGHTS: the student, by accepting this contract, gives consent for his/her personal data submitted in the booking process to be included in a file owned by Gran Canaria School of Languages S.L.U, and processed in accordance with the new European legislation on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 for the purpose of carrying out academic, economic and administrative management which is necessary for the organization and development of the academic activity of Gran Canaria School of Languages.

    During the time that the student is enrolled in the school, images of the students can be captured and used in the composition of graphic or video files prepared to inform or publicize activities organized by the school. Dissemination can be done through publications on paper or the inclusion on the website, social networks, as well as by publication in information leaflets owned by Gran Canaria School SLU. The treatment of student images is carried out in accordance with Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honour, personal and family privacy, and the image itself, eliminating any captures or filming that might violate these fundamental rights. The images are not used for purposes other than those expressed above and may be transferred to third parties for promotional or advertising purposes.

    When registering, the student expresses his / her consent to Gran Canaria School of Languages take photographs and videos showing and using images taken by the students during the classes and activities of the school in which they appear for promotional purposes. The denial of this authorization must be notified in advance by one of two options: Option 1: Students will be provided with a document upon request. Option 2: sending a letter addressed to the centre, Gran Canaria School of Languages, Calle Dr. Grau Bassas 27, 35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, or via email to

  22. STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR: Students are expected to behave appropriately and respect their peers and staff at our school. Inappropriate or offensive behaviour towards others or attending school under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be accepted.

    If a student behaves improperly with a classmate, teacher or staff member, he or she will receive a verbal notice from Gran Canaria School of Languages and will be warned in writing of the consequences of his/her actions, in order to correct his / her behaviour. If this does not happen after this first warning, the expulsion process may be initiated by the school, if necessary and according to the current legality. In case of violent acts, serious disturbance or threats to the physical integrity of other persons, the expulsion will be immediate.

    Gran Canaria School of Languages reserves the right to expel the student, both from the school and accommodation, in case of breach of any of the legal conditions, serious disciplinary infractions, or acts of violence towards other students, teachers or staff. Expulsion of a student implies loss of the right to financial compensation and exempts the school from any additional obligation. All costs and expenses (indemnities, fines, etc.) incurred by breach of the law will be borne by the student and if underage, their parents or legal guardians.

  23. CLAIMS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION: we have the necessary management procedures so that any problems that may arise during the student's stay are solved as soon as possible. In all cases, the student must report his/her complaints in writing and the school will reply verbally and also in writing, proposing reasonable options for the resolution of the complaint.

    No claim or complaint made after the end of the stay will be accepted if the school if the school has not been previously notified in writing during the student's stay.

    In case of not reaching a full agreement between both parties, the school offers, upon request, official complaint forms. For any dispute arising out of or in relation to this contract, the school is submitted expressly to the consumer arbitration system, through the corresponding Consumer Arbitration Board.

    The Spanish law applies to all relations between the student and the school and / or between service providers with the school, and all parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


General terms and conditions 2023

  1. This agreement is legally binding once the school has received a student's signed enrolment form, either online or in writing, and implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions. Likewise, the agreement is legally binding if the registration is made by telephone, once the data of the reservation have been taken and the payment (deposit or total payment) has been received.

  2. This contract is publicly available at

  3. The total amount of the course (and accommodation) will be calculated according to the valid price list included this agreement. This amount must be paid in advance. The student will then receive the confirmation of his/her reservation request and an invoice. If payment of the total amount is not made within two weeks from the date of sending the reservation request, it will be deemed cancelled. Payments can be made in cash, by credit card or by bank transfer with no costs for the beneficiary.

  4. A paid course/accommodation or part of it is not transferable to another person.

  5. Minimum age to participate in a group course: 16 years. Minimum age to occupy a room in our accommodation: 18 years or younger accompanied by a responsible adult.

  6. The school offers Spanish courses as non-accredited education all year round. Course20 (Standard course) is offered from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00. Classes affected by bank holidays will be made up within the same week. Classes missed by the student are not made up or refunded.

  7. The maximum number of participants per group is 12.

  8. From A1 to B1, a complete level lasts between 4 and 5 weeks. Levels B2 and C1 consist of two blocks of 4 to 5 weeks each. Level C1 is given in group courses only from October to the end of March, but it is available in private or semiprivate lessons all year round.

  9. A class session lasts 50 minutes. Classes are taught in Spanish.

  10. STUDENT PLACEMENT: The distribution of the students in the different levels is the responsibility of the school and is based on strictly academic criteria. After the initial level test, interview and language needs of the student, the decision will be made to place him/her in the most appropriate level.

  11. CHANGES OF LEVEL: A student may request a change of level, but the change will be possible only with the approval of his/her teacher and the academic coordinator. In case the teacher and the academic coordinator consider that the student's language proficiency is not sufficient to step up to the next level, he/she will be required a level entrance to test his/her production and comprehension skills.

  12. Starting dates for beginners in the group course: the 1st Monday of the month throughout the year.

  13. Smoking or making fire is not allowed in the school or in the accommodation. Animals are not allowed.

  14. Rooms are given clean and re-cleaned on the 8th or 9th day. However, the cleaning of the kitchen in the studio flats is not included in the price. Bed linen and towels are included and changed with every cleaning of the room. Customers can ask for an extra cleaning with change of bed linen and towels against payment. We do the laundry (not ironing) of non-delicate clothes against payment. No cooking is allowed in rooms without a kitchen.

  15. The price of the course includes: • Initial level test • Tutoring and academic counselling • Free internet access via WiFi • Personalized attention and information • Discount on car rental • Discount on surf courses • Access to the school library and book loan.

  16. The price of the course does not include tuition material and certifications.

  17. Students may book an accommodation in the company of someone who does not attend a course.

  18. Accommodation payment is made for full weeks starting on Saturday / Sunday at 2 p.m. Rooms must be vacated on Saturday / Sunday before 10:00 h.

  19. CANCELLATIONS or CHANGE OF DATES: In the case of cancellations or change of dates received within 21 to 15 days before the start of the course, the school refunds the amount paid for tuition and accommodation minus 20%. If the cancellation or change of date is received between 14 and 8 days before the start of the course, the school refunds the amount paid for tuition and accommodation minus 40%. Cancellations or change of dates made within 7 days before the start of the course are not accepted.

    Cancellations or change of dates will also not be accepted and there will be no refund after occupancy of the room or after the start of the course.

    Private lessons will only be rescheduled with 24 hours’ notice, otherwise they will not be made up or refunded. Teachers’ waiting time is 20 minutes; after that, all classes scheduled for that day will not be made up or refunded.

    For long stays in our accommodation, the student can make cancellations or change of dates for the following month and claim a refund as long as he/she gives notice until the 15th day of the month prior to that change or cancellation. Of all the amounts that are returned, 20% will be deducted for administrative expenses.

    The school is not obliged to keep the place of a student who interrupts or drops out of the course.

  20. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE: The Certificate of attendance is not included in the price of the course. This document is only issued upon request but only to students who attend at least 85% of their classes. It indicates the studied level, the objectives and contents of that level, the total number of hours studied and the course dates. Our certificate is not an official document, according to the legislation that regulates non-accredited education.

  21. PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND IMAGE RIGHTS: the student, by accepting this contract, gives consent for his/her personal data submitted in the booking process to be included in a file owned by Gran Canaria School of Languages S.L.U, and processed in accordance with the new European legislation on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 for the purpose of carrying out academic, economic and administrative management which is necessary for the organization and development of the academic activity of Gran Canaria School of Languages.

    During the time that the student is enrolled in the school, images of the students can be captured and used in the composition of graphic or video files prepared to inform or publicize activities organized by the school. Dissemination can be done through publications on paper or the inclusion on the website, social networks, as well as by publication in information leaflets owned by Gran Canaria School SLU. The treatment of student images is carried out in accordance with Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honour, personal and family privacy, and the image itself, eliminating any captures or filming that might violate these fundamental rights. The images are not used for purposes other than those expressed above and may be transferred to third parties for promotional or advertising purposes.

    When registering, the student expresses his / her consent to Gran Canaria School of Languages take photographs and videos showing and using images taken by the students during the classes and activities of the school in which they appear for promotional purposes. The denial of this authorization must be notified in advance by one of two options: Option 1: Students will be provided with a document upon request. Option 2: sending a letter addressed to the centre, Gran Canaria School of Languages, Calle Dr. Grau Bassas 27, 35007 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, or via email to

  22. STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR: Students are expected to behave appropriately and respect their peers and staff at our school. Inappropriate or offensive behaviour towards others or attending school under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be accepted.

    If a student behaves improperly with a classmate, teacher or staff member, he or she will receive a verbal notice from Gran Canaria School of Languages and will be warned in writing of the consequences of his/her actions, in order to correct his / her behaviour. If this does not happen after this first warning, the expulsion process may be initiated by the school, if necessary and according to the current legality. In case of violent acts, serious disturbance or threats to the physical integrity of other persons, the expulsion will be immediate.

    Gran Canaria School of Languages reserves the right to expel the student, both from the school and accommodation, in case of breach of any of the legal conditions, serious disciplinary infractions, or acts of violence towards other students, teachers or staff. Expulsion of a student implies loss of the right to financial compensation and exempts the school from any additional obligation. All costs and expenses (indemnities, fines, etc.) incurred by breach of the law will be borne by the student and if underage, their parents or legal guardians.

  23. CLAIMS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION: we have the necessary management procedures so that any problems that may arise during the student's stay are solved as soon as possible. In all cases, the student must report his/her complaints in writing and the school will reply verbally and also in writing, proposing reasonable options for the resolution of the complaint.

    No claim or complaint made after the end of the stay will be accepted if the school if the school has not been previously notified in writing during the student's stay.

    In case of not reaching a full agreement between both parties, the school offers, upon request, official complaint forms. For any dispute arising out of or in relation to this contract, the school is submitted expressly to the consumer arbitration system, through the corresponding Consumer Arbitration Board.

    The Spanish law applies to all relations between the student and the school and / or between service providers with the school, and all parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Book here

You can now easily book your course here. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the year of your choice,

  2. On the price list, click on the price of your chosen weeks. Your selection will show in the gray field under the price list.

  3. In the same field also indicate your dates. Click once on your starting date and click again on your ending date.

  4. Click the 'Next' button.


DIE preparation course 2022

One to one

1 week:



  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

2 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

3 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

4 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

5 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

Your selection:

Your course dates:

Give us your 2022 starting and ending dates:

I prefer my classes from:

The school will do its best to adjust your lessons to your chosen timetable.


DIE preparation course 2023

One to one

1 week:



  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

2 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

3 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

4 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

5 weeks:

  10 hours/week

  15 hours/week

  20 hours/week

Your selection:

Your course dates:

Give us your 2023 starting and ending dates:

I prefer my classes from:

The school will do its best to adjust your lessons to your chosen timetable.

The school was well recommended by a friend. I rate the course overall as excellent and I recommend the school to other students. I will book a Spanishcourse at the school again."

Kristin Sigurttardöttir, Iceland.

Saving tip:

Book our special offer for Course20:

Pay 3, get 4 weeks

You save 25%.

Pay 3, get 4 weeks Course20

Learning tip:

It is best to review the learned material after class when it's still fresh in your memory. During your next class you will remember the subjects and find that studying them becomes easier.

Online Spanish course for levels A1 and A2 online Spanish course

Spanish grammar explained in English


Picture gallery






Frequently asked questions